SharePoint SandBox beta - a site for sharing tips and discovering new tricks about SharePoint

About SharePoint SandBox
The site is a collaborative SharePoint community of practices, guidelines, hints, recommendations and "tips & tricks" for SharePoint Developers and Administrators. All content is based on personal experience or gathered from different books, magazines, forums, newsgroups and others open sources. Current recommendations and practices cover different areas - from design and architecture to development and customizations. All information represented on this site is tagged, discovered and collaborative. It is Designed & created by Michael Nemtsev
You will have instant access to tons of hot topics to read and learn about SP 2010 and ofcourse the good old, MOSS 2007! One thing I never understood, scratch scratch... Why did they use php to build that site, aren't we talking about SharePoint here?!?!?! :)

Enjoy, Signing out...!


  Ken Stroe

December 4, 2009 at 9:03 AM

great site, thanks! needed one sp reference